Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Pictures

Hey folks. Sorry about the slow output. But as promised here are some of the pictures from my time in Ohio. I will have another post soon. Let me know what you think of the pictures. So until we meet again, if you can't be good, be good at it.
Really? I mean, really? A bit ostentatious if you ask me.

Didn't Icarus crash and die? Not sure this is what you want in the entryway of an aviation museum?

Wright Brothers 1911 Flyer - The first military owned aircraft.
Sopwith Camel (Snoopy's Plane)

Flight school hasn't changed much over the years.

The "Boxcar"; the B-29 bomber that dropped the "Fat Boy" bomb on Nagaski.

F-22 Raptor

B-52 (big hangar eh?)

F-117 Nighthawk

SR-71 Blackhawk (I told you it was dark in the museum).

More of the Blackhawk.


Anonymous said...

subj: Pic #1
Dear Steve,
Thanks for finally noticing me.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe you g to see the red barron's plane!?! lucky! :)

i can't tell what the pic in 1 is of, but apparently it's god? um, okay. no wonder i didn't recognize.
