Monday, March 30, 2009

Ain't No Party Like A Pakistan Party

Well it's that time again. Time to recount the great and wonderful events of the last week and a half for all you beautiful viewers at home. The most important thing I think is to tell you all the mustache has gone the way of the dodo (come to think of it I think it ended up looking more like a marmot or something but that is beside the point). That's right the caterpillar turned into a lovely butterfly and flew away. To be honest (because normally I'm lying to you all - just kidding) I had planned on wearing it through the month of March, but I was just sick of it. Oh, and the other guys that were growing mustaches gave up last week so I won by default. Unfortunately we didn't have any money on the line; just pride (which can be pretty cheap). I doubt it looked anywhere near as nice as Commander McBragg's here, but towards the end I kept thinking of him telling of his adventures on the hunt in India or something and I always got a chuckle.

The other big event was Saturday the 21st there were a couple parties on the diplomatic enclave. Our own American Club had an '80s party and the Canadian Club had a St. Patrick's Day Party. I went to both (trying to make up for the ones I have missed) and I have to say the American Club does not know how to party. At least not if this one was indicative of all their events. There were only about 30 people or so with '80s music blaring and a few folks who were trying a bit too hard to relive their 20s. It's too bad that photography is not permitted on the compound because words just can't describe the event. Think back to Sixteen Candles or The Breakfast Club and you will have an idea of the costumes that came out and worst of all the dancing (if you can call it that) that was attempted. Now don't get me wrong, I do not dislike the '80s. Probably half my iPod has '80s music. In fact I have a great time at an '80s party back in Pensacola with the gaggle their. It's just that some people were trying too hard or more likely weren't having to try at all.

"Anyone for tennis?" A blast from the past. '80s party 2004 with Dan "The Man"

Now in contrast the St. Patrick's Day Party at the Canadian Club was great. They had a live band that was playing great Irish music (real stuff and all the funny songs about Irishmen getting drunk). People were dancing and they actually looked like they knew what they were doing. The only drawback was the bar did not have Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, which I am sure most of you know is my adult beverage of choice. They did, however, have XXXX beer which is not Irish (it's Australian) but it does come from a country where they talk funny and drink a lot so I figured it was close enough.

The last celebration was a little mutiny we through for our Admiral's Birthday. The funniest part was a skit where one of the guys acting as the Admiral and myself (as one of the Captains here) go to visit a member of the Pakistan Military. The funniest part is the other Navy Programs guy is originally from Pakistan and can still turn on the accent. When he came in and sat down to start the skit half the audience including the Ambassador and some of the guys in the office were wondering who this guy was. The whole thing had the group rolling. I just wish I had it on video. Not just because Raja and Al were hamming it up so much, but because it was also pretty close to right and I think you all would get a kick out of what it is like to talk with these guys about military needs and long term planning and so on. Here is a picture of the players. The others in the picture are the real Admiral and the Captain I was playing.

The camera had a double flash for red-eye reduction so the guy on the end thought the picture was taken and closed his eyes.

On a completely different note, some of you long time viewers may recall my trip to Bahrain back in January and the ordeal that has been trying to get the pictures I took there developed. With the help of my friend Katie L. I finally got the pictures and here they are.

The view out my window at the hotel.

The Center for Islamic Studies.

The Al Fateh Mosque.

Modern art (a fish I think).

Modern architecture. The towers in the distance have their own power generating windmills.

I'm sure that some of you are watching the news over here and cringing at some of the stories. I keep think of the old bumper sticker that reads "Where are we going and why am I in this hand basket". That could be the State of the Union address for Pakistan right now. I only hope that the Pakistan Government finally wakes up and sees the groups that are doing these things as the true threat instead of insisting on focusing on India and other conspiracy theories. But until then please be assured that I am being as careful and vigilant as I possibly can be. I am also keeping my head down and my butt covered. I have every intention of coming back in the same or better shape than when I came here. So until next, if you can't be good, be good at it.


Paul Oseland said...

The stash is dead?!?! How can this be? It was with us just the other day! I can't believe it; I won't believe it…

I guess it's your face and you can do with it as you please (I'm generally pro-choice on the mustache debate - except in the case of firemen), but it seems like the 'stache didn't get much of a chance to thrive in its natural environment. Sure, you have to go through that awkward "um, you've got something on your lip" phase in the beginning. But eventually, like a rose in bloom, you arrive at the full-on Magnum P.I mustache, which is universally accepted as the highest standard in facial hair for all but the following demographic groups: outlaw bikers, professional hockey players, and gay porn stars. Alas, the dream is dead.

Now for something completely different… Make sure you keep your ass out of trouble over there. From what I read it sounds like they might be storming the Bastille any day (which shouldn't be a problem since the French won't put up any resistance). If things get ugly, remember – duck and cover. According to the State Department, this can protect you in case of a nuclear attack so I'm sure it should work for a simple civil war.

By the way, nice picture Biff. And with regard to the modern art sculpture, unless 'fish' is a euphemism for 'phallus' I'm not certain of your interpretation of the piece.

Word to your mother.

Steve O. said...

First you give me crap about some contests not being worth winning and now you are morning the lose? Pick one side of the fence.

Oh, and leave Mom out of this. You knwo she reads it ocationally.