Sunday, September 7, 2008

And Thus It Begins

Greetings and salutations one and all.

For those of you who do not know I have checked out of HSL-43 and am embarking on the next leg of my career. Ordinarily this would not necessarily be cause to document it for posterity, but the next leg of my career takes place in a slightly different local; that being in Pakistan for a year.

I can hear it all now coming from all over the country, "What the hell are you doing going to Pakistan? What's there? What are you going to be doing?"

Well let me try to explain. The answer to the first question is I did not break out at 43 like I would have liked and this is a chance at a fresh start and a chance to get healthy a bit. While I'm there I will finish up my JPME Phase 1 and get all my required points to get Joint Qualified. As for what is there, I invite you to visit the link above. Beyond that I honestly do not have a clue. But I am actually looking forward to finding out a bit. Hopefully the current presidential situation there will not lead to too much civil unrest.

So all that remains is what will I be doing. Well basically I get to be an arms dealer. Yes you read that right; an arms dealer. I will be working in the U. S. Embassy in the Office of Defence Representative-Pakistan. So what is that. It is an arms dealer. Well that might be a bit of an over simplification and exaggeration. What the ODRP does is coordinate with the Pakistani government to identify and fill their military material and training needs. This is done through Foreign Military Sales and Direct Commercial Sales. So basically I am selling weapons to Pakistan. Anyway I am sure there is more to it but I think this sounds cooler. One of the other cool things I will be doing is getting to fly the C-12 Huron which is pretty good considering.

So currently I am sitting in a BOQ room at Wright-Patterson AFB in lovely Dayton, OH going through a class to teach me how to be an arms dealer. I had planned on getting this blog started last weekend, but I managed to catch a cold which pretty much made me want to just crawl into bed. But I am feeling a bit better now so here we go. I spend a total of three weeks here before going down to Tampa for three days of Force Protection training. Then I get to go back to San Diego for a couple days to have all my personal goods packed up and put in storage. After that I am off to Washington D. C. for a couple days of intel briefing followed by a month in Ft. Rucker in picturesque Dothan, AL. I'll be there for the C-12 training. After that I get a couple weeks leave back home for Thanksgiving and in December it is off to Pakistan.

Well, my goal is to post an entry every week or two to give everyone an idea of the great and wonderful things I am seeing and doing. Hopefully this will force me to actually get out and see and do things. The first thing (and honestly the only thing so far due to the cold) is a picture of the Wright Brothers' Memorial.

I plan on keeping my cell phone active while I am in the states and I will set up a Skipe account before I leave. Also, I plan on keeping my e-mail address while I'm over there so you should all be able to keep in touch. I will be sure to send along my mailing address once I get it. So, until next time, if you can't be good be good at it.


Anonymous said...

This is cool, we can keep tabs on you 1/2 way around the world. You will have to save all the real juicy stuff for the occasional trip to John's patio. Hope to see you before you ship out to Afghanistan.
Brett & Shell

Anonymous said...

bread and butter