Monday, September 15, 2008

Ohio ... Where The Wind Come Sweeping Down The Plain

Well friends it’s been a rather boring week but there are a couple things I would like to talk about. The weekend started nicely with a bunch of us in the class getting together Friday night for dinner. I only bring it up because it brought home a point to me about the military that I think is pretty cool. First I should mention that the class is about as joint as you can get. For those not in the military let me explain what I mean by “joint”. The class is comprised of all four services as well as DOD civilians and a couple foreign nationals and has a wide range of ranks from O-3 to O-6. So the fact that a group of us who had never met before this class can just go out to dinner and drinks like old friends is neat. The comradery that exists simply because you are in the military is definitely something I don’t think you get in a lot of other professions.

So anyway, we went out to dinner on Friday and on Saturday we went and watched some football (OU 55 – Washington 14) (sorry to my Ohio State friends). Then that night a few of us went to one of the casinos in the local area. I say local even though it was about an hour away (one of the guys in the group needs to work on his time/distance calculations). Regrettably there isn’t anything to report about that either (I didn’t do so well at the tables) but we had fun.
Sunday I had set aside for doing all my Admin stuff; going to the grocery store, doing laundry, etc. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other ideas, for that morning the remnants of Ike and the high pressure system over the east got together to generate one heck of a wind storm. Like a lot of folks in the middle of the country, we experienced winds around 50+ MPH which did a great job of knocking down trees and power lines (the power was knocked out around 2 pm until about 2 am). So with dirty clothes in tow I headed out looking for a laundromat in some portion of the city that still has power. Maybe not the greatest idea I ever had, driving around Dayton in 50+ MPH winds but it’s not like could do much in my BOQ room. There were a couple times I was driving down some tree lined road with the wind whipping and all I could think of was the scene in the end of Twister were Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt duck into a shed trying to find shelter from the tornado and the shed is filled with shard farm implements. Not the most comfortable feeling when you didn’t get the extra insurance on the rental car.

Now for a little driving test. You are driving down a street and you come to an intersection where the traffic lights are out. What do you do? The answer is you are supposed to treat it like a stop sign. Apparently most of the drivers in Dayton had never heard of this and it was driving me nuts. Anyway, I will get off my soapbox now.

I was unsuccessful in finding a laundromat, but I did stumble across one of the things that my friend Katie L. said I had to try; a Dorothy Lane Market “Killer Brownie”. I must say they are pretty darn good, but if you ever have one make sure you have a gallon of milk available. A vile of insulin might be helpful as well.

Well that is about all for the moment. Not the most exciting of reports I know but I figured I have to get in the habit of making entries if I am going to keep this up. Please feel free to pass this blog on to anyone you think might be interested and I look forward to any comments or e-mails from you all. Take care and remember if you can’t be good, be good at it.


Anonymous said...

and all this time i've been singing oklahoma! huh. anyhow, you and i have truly awful phone timing...most likely my fault, as aside from texting, i hate phones and don't exactly rush off to answer them when they're ringing...that's what voice mail's for, right? so anyhow, i'm sorry i've missed you calls. i'm glad things are going so well and that you're maintaining your sense of adventure :) -sunday

Anonymous said...

Hey cracka! Dorothy Lane is near where my grandparents used to live!
If you are looking for pizza, we used to eat at Marion's pizza all the time. I highly recommend it.
-Markus T.

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure what I found most shocking about your latest blog……

1) The fact that my tax dollars don’t go for you to have nice amenities at the BOQ like room and laundry service. (Please tell me you at least get bed turn down service at night with a mint on your pillow).

2) You risked life and limb driving through strong winds, falling debris and possible insulin shock for a couple of clean socks, shirts, pants, etc.


3) That YOU PATIENTLY waited in traffic for any length of time.
(I fear your CA Driving skills are fading).

Anyways, keep up the blogging it is highly entertaining. If these are the adventures you have while on US soil, I can’t imagine what will happen when you become Steve O – weapons dealer extraordinaire. BTW, if the whole Navy/flying thing doesn’t work for you, you may have a career in writing...


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you enjoyed the brownies!!! Remeber to try some w.g. grinders and some graters! -Katie L